
Special System Equipment


Our company has introduced special work-saving/ automated facilities based on the various requests from customers such as [Make humans free from simple task], [Protect humans from dangerous work], etc. Our company will provide [Something] to replace [Humans] in future.

Product Introduction

Tape Winding - Binding Equipment

Hose Automatic Winding - Binding Equipment

Solder Automatic Winding Machine

Heater Wire Automatic Winding Machine

Pulling Furnace

Polishing Machine

Electronic Device Equipment

Product Introduction

Related Products

Inquiry Regarding Products

Our person-in-charge will correspond to your inquiry regarding products directly.
Please contact our person-in-charge over E-mail or telephone.

Inquiry over E-Mail

Please contact us with inquiry format.

Inquiry Over Phone

Tokyo Head Office, Tanabe Engineering Corp.

03-6275-0275 (Main Switchboard)

(Weekdays: 09:00 ~ 17:00)

Other inquiries are from here.